KejawenLab / SemartHris

SemartHris adalah Enterprise Grade HRIS yang khusus diperuntukan bagi Perusahaan di Willayah Hukum Indonesia
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Fatal error: Allowed memory size of #47

Closed j1top closed 4 years ago

j1top commented 4 years ago

Error ini Kenapa ya gan @ad3n Ubuntu 18.04 Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 1610612736 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 4096 bytes) in phar:///usr/local/bin/composer/src/Composer/DependencyResolver/Solver.php on l ine 223 Check for more info on how to handle out of memory errors.ERROR: Service 'app' failed to build: The command '/bin/sh -c mkdir -p var/cache var/logs var/sessions && chmod 777 -R var/ && composer update --prefer-dist --no-autoloader --no-script s --no-progress --no-suggest -vvv && composer clear-cache' returned a non-zero code: 255

j1top commented 4 years ago

Solved Change memory_limit on docker/php/php.ini