Kekilla0 / Item-Macro

Store macros in your items, execute them from your character sheet or from your favorite automation module!
MIT License
18 stars 21 forks source link

Item Icon #40

Open iwontgiveyoumyname opened 2 years ago

iwontgiveyoumyname commented 2 years ago

Hi everyone,

I'm using simple worldbuilding, with the new update I'm now able to drag anything from the items list of an actor and drop it to roll a macro, but the icon of the item reset, like it wont stay, it's only the default dice icon.

Is there a way to keep the item icon that you drag in the macro bar? Thanks in advance.

trioderegion commented 2 years ago

Looks like that was an oversight. Shouldn't be a difficult fix:

iwontgiveyoumyname commented 2 years ago

Yeah, so everything works pertectly, but each time I drag and drop the item from the item list in the macro bar, the icon of the items dispear and instead it's the dice-target.svg icon, I don't know why