Keksuccino / FancyMenu

Source code for FancyMenu.
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More shortcuts #830

Open Shywizz opened 1 month ago

Shywizz commented 1 month ago

Using the mouse is obligatory for something like this, but I have noticed a lack in "basic" keyboard navigation for context menus, sub-menus widget screens (text, action script, image/asset browser)

It would be really nice if, instead of always having to rely on the mouse I could, for example :

Overhaul, the above suggested improvements would help streamline the layout creation workflow

Keksuccino commented 1 month ago

Support basic Ctrl+(A|X|C|V) Editing for textboxes

What does X do? Text boxes and the editor both already support A, C and V if I remember correctly.

Tab "cyclcing" or arrow key navigation for screens that could support it ?

FancyMenu's screens don't work like that, so no, that will not happen, sorry.

Keyboard selection (seems broken so far, only works with the mouse)

Same as answer above.