Description of the new feature - must be an in-depth explanation of the feature you want, reasoning why, and the added benefits for MSPs as a whole.
We have a few clients that like to rename users when they leave the company, usually x-Staff Name, z-Staff Name or Staff Name (Archive). This currently isn't possible via the offboarding wizard so it requires an additional step. This would just need to be the display name.
PowerShell commands you would normally use to achieve above request
Description of the new feature - must be an in-depth explanation of the feature you want, reasoning why, and the added benefits for MSPs as a whole.
We have a few clients that like to rename users when they leave the company, usually x-Staff Name, z-Staff Name or Staff Name (Archive). This currently isn't possible via the offboarding wizard so it requires an additional step. This would just need to be the display name.
PowerShell commands you would normally use to achieve above request
Get-MgUser -Filter "UserPrincipalName eq '$UserID'" | Update-MgUser -DisplayName $NewDisplayName