Description of the new feature - must be an in-depth explanation of the feature you want, reasoning why, and the added benefits for MSPs as a whole.
We find most of our clients don't want to be warned when sending to external parties as that's a lot of their email communication, particularly now with Teams for internal communication.
I would like to be able to enable all other mail tips but not the external recipient tip.
I imagine this would be best achieved by offering the five mail tip parameters (including the large audience limit that is already available) as individual options within a 'mail tips' standard allowing each to be enabled/disabled independently.
PowerShell commands you would normally use to achieve above request
Description of the new feature - must be an in-depth explanation of the feature you want, reasoning why, and the added benefits for MSPs as a whole.
We find most of our clients don't want to be warned when sending to external parties as that's a lot of their email communication, particularly now with Teams for internal communication. I would like to be able to enable all other mail tips but not the external recipient tip. I imagine this would be best achieved by offering the five mail tip parameters (including the large audience limit that is already available) as individual options within a 'mail tips' standard allowing each to be enabled/disabled independently.
PowerShell commands you would normally use to achieve above request
Set-OrganizationConfig [-MailTipsAllTipsEnabled] [-MailTipsExternalRecipientsTipsEnabled ] [-MailTipsGroupMetricsEnabled ] [-MailTipsLargeAudienceThreshold ] [-MailTipsMailboxSourcedTipsEnabled ]