Kemmey / Kemmey-TeslaWatch-Public

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Works with All Tesla Models? #533

Open MichaelH2023 opened 1 year ago

MichaelH2023 commented 1 year ago

Does the TeslaWatch app work with all of the Tesla models. I am specifically interested in the Model X 2020. It would be great if this was noted in the app listing on the App Store.

Kemmey commented 1 year ago

Yeah - works with models S, X, Y and 3. Bluetooth direct connectivity requires phone key support - so only 3, Y and 2021 refreshed S and X.

MichaelH2023 commented 1 year ago

Awesome! I'm buying the app now... Thank You!

MichaelH2023 commented 1 year ago

Oops... missed this important part. Bluetooth direct connectivity requires phone key support - so only 3, Y and 2021 refreshed S and X. Dang! M7 X is a 2020 ☹️ The main reason I wanted the Watch app. Wish there was a work around.