KenEucker / biketag-vue

A vue app for the game of BikeTag played worldwide at including the published biketag-vue component library
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
22 stars 13 forks source link

BikeTag Vue App Pre-Release Feedback #53

Closed KenEucker closed 2 years ago

KenEucker commented 2 years ago

Leave your feedback here!

I may be posting feedback gathered from other sources here on behalf of others, anonymously.

KenEucker commented 2 years ago

@ykyu says

Index page:

How-To screen:

Archive page:

Player index

Top 10

KenEucker commented 2 years ago

To respond to the feedback above. I have omitted items that have already been resolved.

Index page:

How-To screen:

I think the How-To needs to be improved and our upcoming UX initiatives will be focusing on this.

Archive (BikeTag) page:

User page All items resolved, except

Player index

Top 10 All items resolved

Other comments

KenEucker commented 2 years ago

After a collaboration with the Prime Digital Academy, we have an amazing set of feedback and designs that I will detail in individual comments below;

KenEucker commented 2 years ago

From Colleen Burke:

Summary After completing an individual cognitive walkthrough, and conducting 2 participant observational interviews as a team, I’m prioritizing 3 key Biketag goals based on user needs:

  1. Allow user to Register, Log-In, and Create Profile.
  2. Simplify How-To-Play instructions and overall flow-of-play to make the game easier to understand for beginners.
  3. Geomap the mystery spot to reduce admin responsibilities and make mystery spots easier to find after the location is found & revealed.

Next Steps

  1. Settings Page for customizing profile features (profile photo, update email/contact, privacy settings, etc)
  2. About Page - write extended rules add general Biketag info (city locations, history etc)
  3. Group Games - give user the ability to create their own game with select friends (Minneapolis FB Bike Tag groups enjoy being able to play multiple mystery spots at once)

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KenEucker commented 2 years ago

From Kendall Van Horne:

Summary Key findings:

  1. The screen flow from entering the found location to submitting the new mystery image is not in line with the bike community’s mental models.
  2. The navigation would benefit from improved consistency, verbiage and hierarchy.
  3. Profiles would be a good addition for more competitive players.

User stories:

  1. As a casual biker, I want to breeze through the BikeTag submission process when I complete my ride so that I do not have to use my phone a lot while I am biking.
  2. As a new user, I want to try out BikeTag and quickly find key information and buttons so that I am not slowed down by trying to learn how to use and navigate the app.
  3. As a competitive player, I want to compete against other BikeTag player profiles and track my own score so that I am motivated to keep coming back to the game.

Next Steps While this prototype covers the majority of the changes I recommend at this stage, there are a few additional notes based on user feedback that I would recommend exploring as well:

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KenEucker commented 2 years ago

From Lisa Zampogna

Summary BikeTag’s concept is simple but the website usability could improved by adding:

  1. Wayfinding instructions
  2. Optional social interactions by logging in.

Next Steps Moving forward I would:

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KenEucker commented 2 years ago

From Natalie Lindquist:

Summary Research Findings BikeTag players engage with the game very similarly, but engage for slightly different reasons (competitive nature versus just for fun)

Research findings show that has everything that is ‘needed’ to successfully play the game, but as noted by one of the users, “the flow could stop someone from starting and completing the game.”

This flow can be easily smoothed out by using a consistent visual language across the platform.

User Stories[3 types] USER 1: As an experienced Biketag player I want to be able to quickly & easily move through the flow of uploading my images to play the game so it doesn’t feel like a task and I can continue to enjoy playing for fun in my down time.

USER 2: As an intermediate Biketag player I want the ability to view my tags, as well as others, so I can visibility see how they compare to others to fulfill my competitive nature while also socializing.

USER 3: As a casual Biketag player I want to be able to clearly understand how the game is played, so I don’t get discouraged and leave the site altogether. I want to play!

Next Steps

  1. Create a user login page
 a. All users could still play, but would have the option to create a login and have a profile OR just play without a login.
 b. Create a HOME/profile page for the login users. This would include their stats, past uploads (of both their solved mystery finds and their personal mystery locations uploaded).
 c. For users who use login, I would implement the ability for them to create groups with their friends if they want to play in multiple groups (with the hope that this wouldn’t deter them from joining in the community game, but give them more opporunity to use the platform).

  2. Create the ability to map/route where the user has biked. 

  3. FAQ page
 a. This would include FAQs not covered in the 30 second How To video.

  4. Support/Contact page

  5. Privacy Policy page (including User Agreement form)
 a. The User Agreement form would be an item kept in each users profile. If the user doesn’t have a profile, I imagine they would be prompted to “accept” the UA each time they play.

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KenEucker commented 2 years ago

From Rose Weselmann


Users found there were too many steps to participating in BikeTag through the current website. Regardless of the variying level of competitive attitudes among users, they all shared a common desire to efficently and quickly submit tags to be a part of the game.


Addressing hierarchy, consistency and visibility, simplifying the submission tool was the main focus. A quick login option with agreement to TOS, saving the username and minimizing the submission steps down to 3 rather than 6 helps attend to these challenges.

As a competitive BikeTag player, I want to quickly post a Tag so I can compete in a current game of BikeTag

As a casual BikeTag player, I want a hint for the mystery location so I can approach the exisiting round of bike tag.

As a new BikeTag player, I want to learn how to play the game of BikeTag to play against the biking community

Next Steps

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KenEucker commented 2 years ago

From Danielle Byers Summary

Through a cognitive walkthrough and user research, I found that the website has a great minimalist design and intentional simplicity, but lacks clear labeling and call to action buttons that complicate ease of use and understanding. Recognition over recall is a major theme as the user needs to memorize where pages are and what buttons do, instead of clearly being able to recognize their functions.The main feature of the website is submitting a found tag and adding a new one, however this feature is clunky for experienced users and hard to navigate for new users. In the website's current state users do not need to login in to submit a post and profiles lack personal information or ways to connect or message each other.

Key Takeaways


Pain points

User Stories

Next Steps Recommendations

1:Relabel pages, buttons, and clickable features that allow for stronger recognition, with clear calls to action and better matches between the system and the user’s mental model. Improve readability of important key words and color contrast on buttons.

Goal: allow users of all experience levels to better navigate and use the website more efficiently. Improve understanding for new users joining the came.

2: Simplify the navigation of the tag submission flow by condensing the number of pages and improving visibility and hierarchy of important functions on the page.

Goal: Speed up the interaction of submitting a tag and new tag while to better fit the needs of users actively on a bike route. Improve visibility of system status of the pages for both new and frequent users to understand and use the pages.

3: Login and Profile personalization

Create an option to login in and create a profile. This option would not be required and the method of adding a tag without logging in would still be present. On the profile page: Add optional social media connection link and way to direct message

Goal: give users who want to connect to other users and are looking to use BikeTag as a social connection an ability to do so, without forcing all users to login and make a profile. The login feature would also speed up posting a tag as the name of the user would already be recorded.

4:Reformat the How to Page adding in community rules

Goal: remove pain points for the entire community and for new users joining biketag by clearly stating the rules.

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KenEucker commented 2 years ago

From Jamie Tan

Summary Major Findings The naming conventions differed from the user’s current mental model. Users enjoyed a having a “Leaderboard” to track their progress against others. The font was difficult to read at times, such as profile names. Before playing, the user searched for and wanted to read the “Terms of Service” agreement, they preferred that it was separate from the “submit” button. Users were confused during the “play” portion, the content on the page did not provide clarity for what next steps are available or if their action was complete, one user specifically asked for a progress indicator.
The text in certain sections, such as the “about” page was too much to read.

User stories As an avid biker and casual player of BikeTag, I want to be able to quickly go through and upload my images so that I can participate, but spend minimal time doing it. The flow of the uploading images should be obvious and easy, with minimal text to read through. As an avid biker and first time player of BikeTag, I want to learn how to play BikeTag so that I can add another fun aspect to my biking routine and be involved in the community this way. The game should be easy to pick up with clear instructions, and with as minimal text as possible. As an avid biker and a competitive player of BikeTag, I would like to be able to track my score and see how I compare to my competition so that I can play better. It should be clearly indicated where the leaderboard is on the navigation, and profile names should be legible.

Next Steps

  1. Build out the rest of the pages, such as Archive, About.
  2. Test out this prototype with new and current BikeTag players.
  3. Add what users think is missing. Make changes based on findings from testing.
  4. Repeat step 3 and 4 until prototype is satisfactory.

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KenEucker commented 2 years ago

From Kelsey Vierow

Summary Theme 1: User Flow Frequent users of the app had a good mental model of the interface, however it wasn’t as intuitive for new users. In this version screens were simplified and the main user flow is front and center

Theme 2: social engagement Players enjoy the social aspect of biketag, but don’t want this to be a requirement to play. now users have the option to register in order to claim their username and update their profiles

Theme 3: labeling and consistency Users enjoyed the tactile and gritty feel of the app, but overall clarity and consistency can be improved. This version simplifies user journeys and standardizes visual content across pages

User Stories “As an avid cyclist and game player, I want an app that I can open and be able to take and post pictures without clicking around so that I can get back on my bike and keep playing”

“As a new cyclist, I want a way to connect with other players so I can get to know more people in the biking community”

“As a bike commuter, I want to find new landmarks that aren’t on my normal route so that I can learn my city better by bike”

Next Steps

Players of Biketag reported different rules across platforms, so further user research could be conducted to clarify this Can users upload banked photos for their new location, or does it need to be photographed after uploading their first image? What is the time frame for uploading your new location? Clarify the rules of sniping - when can other users snipe the round and upload their image?

Add graphics and animations to emphasize the gameplay and make users feel like they are playing a real game of tag

Consider geolocation services to automatically tag landmarks and make all tag locations searchable by map

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KenEucker commented 2 years ago

All pre-release feedback has been incorporated into the app as it could be fit.

Many thanks to everyone involved!!