KenKundert / emborg

Interactive command line interface to Borg Backup
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Better avendesora error message? #4

Open kalekundert opened 5 years ago

kalekundert commented 5 years ago

It took me a while to figure out that the following error was refering to a problem with my avendesora config, not with emborg or borg itself.

$ emborg init
emborg warning: rsync: url attribute found, should probably be urls.
emborg error: Connection closed by remote host. Is borg working on the server?
kalekundert commented 5 years ago

Update: The "connection closed" is unrelated to the "url" thing. Looking into that now.

kalekundert commented 5 years ago

And the "url" thing was me being stupid (I was defining "repository" in settings and not realizing that it was also defined in home).

KenKundert commented 5 years ago

emborg warning: rsync: url attribute found, should probably be urls.

That message comes from Avendesora. It says that in your rsync account contains an account attribute 'url,' which is commonly mistakenly used when 'urls' is intended.

emborg error: Connection closed by remote host. Is borg working on the server?

I believe the body of that message is generated by borg. Perhaps that is the error you fixed with the change to the 'repository' setting? It is okay to have settings defined in both settings and in home. The one in home should dominate.

kalekundert commented 5 years ago

Yeah, the confusing thing is that it says "emborg warning", when really it's an avendesora warning. No need to remove the warning, it's a good warning, it just confused me in this context.

I put a URL in my account because when you create an account, they assign you a fairly non-intuitive URL, and I just wanted to store that somewhere.