It is necessary to add some non-ad hoc sugar syntax to replace ad hoc syntax that is currently used in Kendrick like: Map.
First: should have a way to name states of model following the number of states. For example: a model with #zone -> 1 2 3 4 5 should be replaced by defining just the number of zones. It then automatically generate 5 states for the model and the attribute_ #zone will have 5 values 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
Second: should also include the connection matrix to describe the connection between states of the model. The matrix is general enough for not only spatial concern but also other concerns. A connection matrix is a 0 1 matrix. 1 means there is a connection between 2 states <=> There is a transition from line-state to column-state.
Third: how to specify rate for these connections (or rate for corresponding transitions). For example: transitionRate: #rho ==> so all the connections have the same rate specified by the parameter #rho.
Fourth: what if transitions do not have the same value?
Fifth: what if almost transitions have the same value but not all?
It is necessary to add some non-ad hoc sugar syntax to replace ad hoc syntax that is currently used in Kendrick like: Map.