KenmyZhang / single-sign-on

基于Go语言实现的单点登录系统(sso) 支持手机号码+验证码、邮箱+验证码、微信第三方授权三种方式注册 支持手机号码、用户名、邮箱号码、微信登录 支持手机和邮箱找回密码 支持阿里云通信和互亿无线的短信验证码服务
467 stars 146 forks source link

mysql driver配置 #4

Open CreditTone opened 5 years ago

CreditTone commented 5 years ago


CreditTone commented 5 years ago

"DataSource": ":-@tcp(,utf8\u0026readTimeout=30s\u0026writeTimeout=30s",很模糊

Kevin-free commented 1 year ago

是的,你真棒! 但是我改了端口密码之后,报了这个错:

[2022/12/04 23:46:36 CST] [INFO] 服务正在初始化...
[2022/12/04 23:46:36 CST] [INFO] Pinging SQL master database
[2022/12/04 23:46:36 CST] [EROR] Failed to ping DB retrying in 10 seconds err=this authentication plugin is not supported


Kevin-free commented 1 year ago

是的,你真棒! 但是我改了端口密码之后,报了这个错:

[2022/12/04 23:46:36 CST] [INFO] 服务正在初始化...
[2022/12/04 23:46:36 CST] [INFO] Pinging SQL master database
[2022/12/04 23:46:36 CST] [EROR] Failed to ping DB retrying in 10 seconds err=this authentication plugin is not supported


已经解决了,因为是 MySQL 8,将 plugin 改成 mysql_native_password 就好了。