KennaSecurity / All_Samples

Coding samples using the Kenna Security Platform REST API. All the code samples in this GitHub repository are offered “as is” and include no warranty of any kind. Use them at your own risk. In no event will Kenna be liable to end user or any other party for damages of any kind arising from the use of these samples.
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KDI Importer issue #145

Open igaralf opened 2 years ago

igaralf commented 2 years ago

I'm trying to run the KDI generic transformed script.

My csv has the following fields: artifact,date,fixedVersion,installedVersion,Vuln Description,resource,CVSS,severity,CVE,Vuln Name

I have edited default_meta as follows Kenna Item - DON'T EDIT THESE VALUES Associated Source File Column Required Description Object Type
date_format %d/%m/%Y yes if dates in data Script Only - used to format dates google ruby strftime for more info on format syntax
locator hostname no Script only - field used to deduplication prior to upload - should match kenna locator syntax Asset
file one value per Asset is required column name in CSV pointing to (string) path of affected file Asset
ip_address IP Address one value per Asset is required column name in CSV pointing to (string) IP of internal facing asset Asset
mac_address one value per Asset is required column name in CSV pointing to (mac format-regex) MAC address asset Asset
hostname artifact one value per Asset is required column name in CSV pointing to (string) host name/domain name of affected asset Asset
ec2 one value per Asset is required column name in CSV pointing to (string) Amazon EC2 instance id or name Asset
netbios one value per Asset is required column name in CSV pointing to(string) netbios name Asset
url one value per Asset is required column name in CSV pointing to (string) URL pointing to asset Asset
fqdn one value per Asset is required column name in CSV pointing to (string) fqdn of asset Asset
external_id one value per Asset is required column name in CSV pointing to (string) ExtID of asset Asset
database one value per Asset is required column name in CSV pointing to (string) Name of db Asset
application artifact yes column name in CSV pointing to (string) ID/app Name - label assigned to asset Asset
tags "Product Line,Product Business Unit,Product Division,Finder Type" no (string) comma separated list of columns with strings that correspond to tags on an asset - no spaces Asset Meta
tag_prefix "AppID:,Prod_BU:,Prod_Div:,Find_type:" no comma separated list of prefixes which corresponds to list in tag. Number and order of elements should match tags exactly.
owner no column name in CSV pointing to (string) Some string that identifies an owner of an asset Asset Meta
os no column name in CSV pointing to (string) Operating system of asset Asset Meta
os_version no column name in CSV pointing to (string) OS version Asset Meta
priority no column name in CSV pointing to (Integer) Priority of asset (int 1 to 10).Adjusts asset score. nil for default to 10 Asset Meta
scanner_source static yes declares scanner_type data as static (listed in this file) or column (pulled from the csv source file)
scanner_type Pen Test yes (string) - official name of scan type - should be the same across files where appropriate can be static or pulled from column as directed in scanner_source Vulnerability & Vuln Def
scanner_id Issue ID no column name in CSV pointing to (string) - Vuln ID as defined by the scanner Vulnerability & Vuln Def
details no column name in CSV pointing to (string) - Details about vuln specific to single host Vulnerability
created no column name in CSV pointing to (string) - Date vuln created Vulnerability
scanner_score CVSS no column name in CSV pointing to (Integer) - scanner score used for scoring appsec vulns - informational for network vulns - translate to int 1-10 using score_map if needed Vulnerability
score_map "{""High"":""8"",""Critical"":""10"",""Medium"":""6"",""Low"":""3""}" no hash of translation scanner score values to kenna range of 1-10 if needed based on column in scanner_score
last_fixed no column name in CSV pointing to (string) - Last fixed date Vulnerability
last_seen no column name in CSV pointing to (string) Date it was closed Vulnerability
status Current Status no "column name in CSV pointing to (string) default to ""open"" if inbound reports will only include open vulns" Vulnerability
status_map "{ ""Impact Statement Pending"" : ""open"", ""Closed"" : ""closed"", ""New"" : ""open"", ""Remediation Plan Pending"" : ""open"", ""Remedy in Progress"" : ""open""}" no Script Only - hash of translation... scanner status to Kenna status mappings if needed
closed required if status is closed column name in CSV pointing to (string) Date it was closed Vulnerability
port Port no column name in CSV pointing to (Integer) Port if associated with vuln Vulnerability
cve_id CVE yes column name in CSV pointing to (string) CVEs - note that this can be a comma-delimited list format CVE-000-0000 Vuln Def
wasc_id no column name in CSV pointing to (string) WASC - note that this can be a comma-delimited list - format WASC-00 Vuln Def
cwe_id no column name in CSV pointing to (string) CWE - note that this can be a comma-delimited list - format CWE-000 Vuln Def
name Vuln Name yes "column name in CSV pointing to (string) Name/title of Vuln will be displayed as vuln name if no cve cwe or wasc" Vuln Def
description Vuln Description yes column name in CSV pointing to (string) Description Vuln Def
solution Vuln Recommendation no column name in CSV pointing to (string) Solution Vuln Def

However, on execution fails:

[~]$ ruby csv_KDI_json.rb vuln_parsed.csv has_header? default_meta.csv skip_autoclose? output.json assets_only? domain_suffix? Traceback (most recent call last): 3: from csv_KDI_json.rb:223:in '<main>' 2: from /usr/share/ruby/csv.rb:1319:in 'parse' 1: from /usr/share/ruby/csv.rb:1764:in 'each' csv_KDI_json.rb:231:in 'block in <main>': no implicit conversion of String into Integer (TypeError)

rick-kenna commented 1 year ago

I hope you solved this issue on your own, but it looks like some piece of data in your CSV file is a string when it should be an integer.