KentonWhite / ProjectTemplate

A template utility for R projects that provides a skeletal project.
GNU General Public License v3.0
622 stars 159 forks source link

Spelling - Main #279

Closed bugsysiegals closed 5 years ago

bugsysiegals commented 5 years ago

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KentonWhite commented 5 years ago

Thanks @bugsysiegals We'll make the correction soon. If you would like, you could make a pull request with the correction made. Let me know if you'd like some help making a pull request!

bugsysiegals commented 5 years ago

No problem. Unfortunately I'm a newbie to GIT and am not sure how to do that for you but would be happy to if you can explain.

BTW, thanks for all the time you've put into this!! Do you have some sort of messenger I could ping you about a few questions I have?

KentonWhite commented 5 years ago

Working on correcting documents is a great way to start! On the GitHub website, find the file where the error is (you could probably use the search feature). Once there, click on the edit link (this is a little pencil icon in the upper right corner). Make your changes and fill in at the bottom what the change was (like, corrected spelling mistake). This will create a fork in your account. Then you can click on the Pull Request menu. GitHub should walk you through creating a Pull Request.

You can learn more about the Pull Request process here

bugsysiegals commented 5 years ago

Looks like you merged one of the files ... there's 1 from each template. Will close this issue as soon as the other is merged.