Open RHeijnen opened 8 years ago
EDIT I was also facing the similar issue. The test which executed in the end for that only html report was getting generated.
So, I updated the settings as below:
var Jasmine2HtmlReporter = require('protractor-jasmine2-html-reporter');
jasmine.getEnv().addReporter(new Jasmine2HtmlReporter({
cleanDestination: false,
fileNameSeparator: '_',
fileNameDateSuffix: true,
consolidateAll: true,
displayStacktrace: true,
savePath: './build/reports/',
screenshotsFolder: 'images',
takeScreenshots: true,
takeScreenshotsOnlyOnFailures: true,
fixedScreenshotName: false
Now it is working fine. Though I have to clean the destination manually.
So I am trying to get 1 reporter HTML page PER 1 spec
capabilities: { browserName: 'chrome', shardTestFiles: true, maxInstances: 2 },
Like so, nothing special, all good.
The problem starts when you want to run (example) 4 specs, on a 2 max instance shard. The 'target' folder will be removed after the initial instances have done their first 2 specs.
The folder is then removed, created a new, and is then filled with the HTML reports from the last 2 specs.
cleanDestination: false,
This does not stop it from happening, infact I do not think this works at all - as even with this the folder gets removed, and there is no visual indiciation that clean destination does anything at all.
So I do not think it is currently possible to report multiple specs on less shards.