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Fix Number of C15 SC Standard Targets #149

Closed JeffLCoughlin closed 5 years ago

JeffLCoughlin commented 5 years ago

Based on the K2Campaign15targets.csv file, I count 118 standard SC targets, but the webpage ( says 119

awk 'BEGIN{FS=","} {if($1>201000000) print($0)}' K2Campaign15targets.csv | grep SC | wc


Opening pull request and requesting review from Geert to see if I am missing one standard SC target somewhere, or if GOOD concurs with update.

(Note running counting code above on campaigns 17, 16, & 14 yields results consistent with webpage doc for those campaigns.)

JeffLCoughlin commented 5 years ago

From JVC's trimmed presentation, for SC, that I think explains the 119 vs 118 discrepancy.

Also searching for C15 targets in short-cadence returns 118 results.

118 stellar targets, 29,278 pix for 248.1 pix/stellar target – 122 targets were delivered – 3 were off-silicon – 1 rejected for some of photometric aperture off active silicon (bad status flag in AMA)

barentsen commented 5 years ago

Thanks @JeffLCoughlin. I am able to reproduce 118 from /so/trunk/flight/targets/quarters/c15_aug2017/trimmed/go_sc_c15_aug2017_trimmed.txt as well.

I must have counted the number of newlines instead of targets. Apologies!