Kerbalism / Kerbalism

Hundreds of Kerbals were killed in the making of this mod.
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Help wanted: names and texts for new experiments #368

Closed SirMortimer closed 5 years ago

SirMortimer commented 5 years ago

Could use help with naming and coming up with new experiments idk, i'm not a scientist, so not quite sure what's appropriate. if you don't like my current suggestions, rename/redo them as you please.

New Experiments:

4+ lab specific ones, long duration

4+ crewed ones, long duration

Any other suggestions that don't involve modelling new parts also work.

Could be something related to antennas (like comms test, give a massive amount of data to transmit back home for example over a long duration (doable by setting a extremely large data_rate for almost instant collection, and a massive data scale - few TB )

Rovers maybe? give them something to do besides flipping in microgravity, probably a couple of days per experiment.

Interplanetary only? not in orbit, just interplanetary

maybe an EVA only experiment? besides eva report. that one's boring


Currently need short (10 word ballpark) descriptions for all stock experiments+ all new experiments from above, and if you wish, a naming change evaReport crewReport surfaceSample asteroidSample geiger counter barometer scan temperature scan gravity scan seismic scan atmo analysis (vario spectrometer) sentinel IR telescope materials bay goo

Naming & Descriptions for groups (descriptions could be separate from the ones above, these will go into thew configure module when installing a certain instrument onto the part)

currently have:

kurgut commented 5 years ago

4+ crewed ones, long duration: a longer crew report 2 weeks or so, for reasons. stock crew report is a short 2-5 minute one for shitty science, this one could be longer for more science.

Extended micro-gravity experiments ? or Maybe something about Kerbals adaptation/ behavior to each other, like a extended psychological thing.

Interplanetary only? not in orbit, just interplanetary

A Sun related analysis maybe ?

Could be something related to antennas

Not exactly, but telemetry report sounds obvious (so to probes, but they have antennas anyway) : And the idea matches with how you proposed the experiment to work.

4+ lab specific ones, long duration: 1 ORBITAL only ??? no clue what, 1 year +

same, searching through nasa sheets to find inspiration;) other stuffz sounds good to me

lordcirth commented 5 years ago

Lab #3, orbit: Microgravity crystallization.

SirMortimer commented 5 years ago

Update: the names/texts should be humorous. they can be based on real world inspiration, but should have a funny spin to them.

tomimas commented 5 years ago

Maybe a little too light and silly in tone for Kerbalism, but please feel free to develop further:

Being one with the stars evaReport After the helmet visor adjusted to the lights: "Oh my, it's full of stars!"

How are you, Dave? crewReport How are you feeling today? Is everything fine?

Seeking Helium-3 surfaceSample After sticking the hand into ground and letting it fall between fingers, it reminded me of home. Exploit we must, as we need it, for fuel.

Another nice shiny rock asteroidSample There are so many things you can do with it!

The other Geiger geiger counter Just radiation, no aliens here.

Can you hear me? barometer scan Nope, no one can hear you scream! (in space) No need to yell, mate! (in atmosphere)

Is it getting colder here? temperature scan From blue to red, we still endure only in the mid green region.

Feeling the pull gravity scan While in accelerating fall - you only seem weightless, but you still have mass.

Was it you, or me? seismic scan What was it?, Cosmic rays? Oh, beans, more beans, where are the beans? (in space) Whoa! Any caves or sand worms? (on planet)

The Thing materials bay Now we know how common things behave. Behaving badly they are!

Gelatinous cube experiment goo Yep, the green slime moves!

Some new?

Is it a tomato or potato? Grow enough food with greenhouse during X month period. Vessel must not have any food when test is started.

Flare or Dare Geiger Counter science test (on manned flight) during the solar flare.

Finding Van Kermin's belt Geiger Counter science test (on manned flight) while inside the radiation belt.

SirMortimer commented 5 years ago
