Kerwood / Rtorrent-Auto-Install

Auto install script for rtorrent with Rutorrent as GUI.
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Can't start rTorrent #124

Open Meowmel opened 8 years ago

Meowmel commented 8 years ago

Hi, just yesterday I had to reinstall my Raspberry Pi 2 (Raspian Wheezy) and thought that I would like to try your install script after my own rTorrent installation always had little problems (Linux beginner).

The problem now: Everything went fine for the installation (Raspbian 3.0.2), but when I try to start rTorrent I get this: unbenannt2 First it asked me for a Password, I thought it would be my user (pi) password, that wasn't it. Second I tried my root password and got the Authentication error. Then I logged in as su to check if I had the right password, yup works. Tried the start command as root and again the "can't find rtorrent..." error. What's going on, how can I fix this? Thanks for any help.

Meowmel commented 8 years ago

Yeah, rTorrent never got installed. Manually installed, pretty much everything else was fucked (ruTorrent etc.). Nuked that Raspian installation.

Tried the Rtorrent-Auto-Install-1.1.0-Raspbian-Wheezy-Nginx Script on a fresh installation. unbenannt4 How about no.

miracle091 commented 8 years ago

A ] is missed, add it at line 145

Meowmel commented 8 years ago

Added it to the file, worked. Now other problems occur: (Choosing the "Super stable version") unbenannt5 After that it just continues to install rtorrent. Greeting me with the "Installation is complete" page. When accessing ruTorrent with my browser I get: "Not Found The requested URL /rutorrent was not found on this server. Apache/2.2.22 (Debian) Server at Port 80"

miracle091 commented 8 years ago

Check if /var/www/rutorrent exist or change the temporany directorory at the beginning of the script and re-run it. Be sure the temp dir exist or have necessary space, the script need something like 20-30 MB.

Meowmel commented 8 years ago

WHAT THE FUCK MATE. That script just deleted all my data. Pointed the temp dir directly to my external HDD. Does the script just go rm * or what? unbenannt3 Sadly it was already to late.

miracle091 commented 8 years ago

Why don't you have created a new folder instead of use the root your hdd? WHY?! Anyway finish install this command is executed:

if [ -d $TEMP_PLUGIN_DIR ]; then rm -rf $TEMP_PLUGIN_DIR; fi
Meowmel commented 8 years ago

Luckily my mistrust into the script let me do a backup yesterday evening, so nothing was lost. rm -rf $FUCK_EVERYTHING, are you by any chance else known as MrMEEE? * chuckles *

btw why I choose the root folder: unbenannt First I actually really tried the username again, that of course failed. Second I just chose a folder I knew should work and... yeah forgot to change it again.

btw even after re-running the script there is still nothing under /var/www (except for the index.html) btw2 not to mention that rtorrent still doesn't work (looks like it didn't get installed again, same error as in the OP) btw3 turns out your script does NOT move the rutorrent folder from /media/WD1TB/rutorrent to /var/www/ btw4 I now have a rutorrent folder in /media/ as well, maybe because I killed the script while it did the rm thing?

miracle091 commented 8 years ago

Try this version Is a one-script version instead of multiple ones, some folder (temp and temp-plugins) can be changed by run it. The apache choise, works for me on debian and rpi.

Meowmel commented 8 years ago

[guinea pig feelings intensifie]


btw5 the self created media/WD1TB/temp/ folder doesn't get deleted by your script (the nginx one) as well - /media/WD1TB/tempplugins got deleted though.

miracle091 commented 8 years ago

Try now. Is deleted at first run, finished installation and some specific point.

Meowmel commented 8 years ago

Gives me this now: unbenannt5