KessokuTeaTime / Knowledges

[Minecraft Mod] What you see is knowledge!
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[FEATURE]: Custom Mod Names #11

Closed Afrocntrik closed 2 months ago

Afrocntrik commented 2 months ago

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Why Should We be Compatible?

Currently Knowledges pulls namespace for the Mod ID as shown in this line // Titles titles: { Animation.Text.titleRight(blockName); Animation.Text.titleLeft(ModProxy.getModName(namespace)); } which references the mods.toml file within META-INF folder of the .jar so it gets some mods looking like this: image Unless I manually change displayName = "modName" in the .toml file like this: image There is no other way to modify it and this slight modification makes it a "different" .jar file to launchers so if there could be a way to modify the Title for individual mods through resourcepack customization that would be greatly appreciated.

KrLite commented 2 months ago

It is possible to implement a feature to allow customizing mod names through something like a language file in a resource pack.

This may be implemented in the future, thanks for suggesting!

KrLite commented 2 months ago

Wait... is it on Forge? I don't think Knowledges has an official Forge port. Could you please provide the mod files' links?

I will update the feature to Fabric anyway.

Afrocntrik commented 2 months ago

Yes I am currently utilizing Sinytra Connector on a custom Forge modpack I am making. Implementing what you suggested would be great I am using knowledges-1.20-5.0.0 and dimdoors-5.3.3-forge, most forge/multiloader .jars contain the .toml file and it seems Knowledges derives the Title from that 'display name' however a resourcepack .lang file currently cannot override.

KrLite commented 2 months ago

Yes I am currently utilizing Sinytra Connector on a custom Forge modpack I am making. Implementing what you suggested would be great I am using knowledges-1.20-5.0.0 and dimdoors-5.3.3-forge, most forge/multiloader .jars contain the .toml file and it seems Knowledges derives the Title from that 'display name' however a resourcepack .lang file currently cannot override.

It's good to hear that Knowledges and Equator both work perfectly on Forge, because the actual forge ports (on schedule now) really take time.

KrLite commented 2 months ago

Implemented in 5.1.1.