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[BUG] Music notations typos #16

Open ESEAbsolute opened 1 month ago

ESEAbsolute commented 1 month ago

Mod Loader


Minecraft Version


What Happened?

I reviewed your code and found several typos in notations.



    • L262, L263, L264, L274, L275, L276: -> The former one in the code is actually Hanzi/Kanji character U+4E8C; the latter is Japanese Katakana U+30CB.
  3. CHINESE I take "Chinese Pentatonic Scale" on Wikipedia as reference, I have not found that these "宫商角徵羽" can be connected with "升" and "降". Hope you can provide me further information.

Translations may be inaccurate or problematic, here is the Chinese version:

我看了你的 代码发现了一些音符记法上的问题。

  1. 德式

    • L205: m ->"Ais3", "H3"), -> m ->"Ais3", "B3"),
    • L206: m -> Text.literal("B3"), -> m -> Text.literal("H3"),
    • L217: m ->"Ais4", "H4"), -> m ->"Ais4", "B4"),
    • L218: m -> Text.literal("B4"), -> m -> Text.literal("H4"), 根据我查找到的资料,在德式记法中 B 实际上指的是降 B,而 H 指的是 B。参考资料:Why is the musical scale C D E F G A H? Why is there an H between A and C instead of B?
  2. 日式

    • L262, L263, L264, L274, L275, L276: -> 前者是汉字「二」U+4E8C,后者是日文片假名「ニ」。两者差距还是挺大的。
  3. 中式

根据 中国五声音阶 页面,我没看到有写可以升降。希望可以给更多资料解释一下。

What Should Happen?

No response

Steps to Reproduce

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Anything Else?

No response

ESEAbsolute commented 1 month ago

Further information / 补充资料:


Translation by ChatGPT:

Source / 来源:

KrLite commented 1 month ago

Thanks for reporting!

  1. The Germanic notation is indeed wrongly mapped 😵‍💫, I'll fix it in the next possible version.
  2. I was literally typing Katakanas using a Chinese IME so... it's my fault not noticing the different Unicode representations, I'll fix it in the next possible version.
  3. In traditional Chinese scales, we have 变宫 for B and 清角 for F, however, these aren't enough for representing all the possible musical notations including arbitrary sharps and flats. Thus, I decided to use (sharp) and (flat) to prefix the notations. I made them up out of thin air just to make everything clearer. However, if you have a better interpretation, please tell me! This will be kept until other workarounds are found.

Thanks for your corrections! They helped a lot :)

ESEAbsolute commented 1 month ago

Thanks for reporting!

  1. The Germanic notation is indeed wrongly mapped 😵‍💫, I'll fix it in the next possible version.
  2. I was literally typing Katakanas using a Chinese IME so... it's my fault not noticing the different Unicode representations, I'll fix it in the next possible version.
  3. In traditional Chinese scales, we have 变宫 for B and 清角 for F, however, these aren't enough for representing all the possible musical notations including arbitrary sharps and flats. Thus, I decided to use (sharp) and (flat) to prefix the notations. I made them up out of thin air just to make everything clearer. However, if you have a better interpretation, please tell me! This will be kept until other workarounds are found.

Thanks for your corrections! They helped a lot :)

我觉得这个能帮到你 十二律 这个和十二平均律很像,但是感觉很少人能看懂,宫商角徵羽更普遍一些吧。中式记法这里还是我欠考虑了

I think this can help you: Shi'er lü is quite similar to the twelve-tone equal temperament, but it seems that very few people can understand it. The names of the notes, 宫商角徵羽, are more commonly known. I realize I haven't considered enough here, sorry.

KrLite commented 1 month ago

Thanks for reporting!

  1. The Germanic notation is indeed wrongly mapped 😵‍💫, I'll fix it in the next possible version.
  2. I was literally typing Katakanas using a Chinese IME so... it's my fault not noticing the different Unicode representations, I'll fix it in the next possible version.
  3. In traditional Chinese scales, we have 变宫 for B and 清角 for F, however, these aren't enough for representing all the possible musical notations including arbitrary sharps and flats. Thus, I decided to use (sharp) and (flat) to prefix the notations. I made them up out of thin air just to make everything clearer. However, if you have a better interpretation, please tell me! This will be kept until other workarounds are found.

Thanks for your corrections! They helped a lot :)

我觉得这个能帮到你 十二律 这个和十二平均律很像,但是感觉很少人能看懂,宫商角徵羽更普遍一些吧。中式记法这里还是我欠考虑了

I think this can help you: Shi'er lü is quite similar to the twelve-tone equal temperament, but it seems that very few people can understand it. The names of the notes, 宫商角徵羽, are more commonly known. I realize I haven't considered enough here, sorry.

I'll just keep it unchanged for now.

ps: I made a mistake in the previous statements and here's the corrected one:

we have 变宫 for B and 清角 for F