The Kestrel is a family of home-made computers, built as much as possible on open-source technology, and supporting as much as possible the open-source philosophy.
Enables KIA-II support in the emulator. For details on the original KIA, see its datasheet. KIA-II differs from the original KIA in only two ways (only one of which is implemented right now):
The KIA's QE flag is tied to a CPU interrupt input. I don't yet emulate interrupts at all, so this isn't implemented just yet.
The upper two bits of KQSTAT contains key down/up data and ASCII/non-ASCII type flags, suitable for use with the SDL keyboard event stream. NOTE: actual hardware will use the original KIA, since we will be talking to a PS/2 keyboard, not an SDL event stream. I will still tie QE to IRQ though.
Enables KIA-II support in the emulator. For details on the original KIA, see its datasheet. KIA-II differs from the original KIA in only two ways (only one of which is implemented right now):
Fixes #199 Fixes #197