The Kestrel is a family of home-made computers, built as much as possible on open-source technology, and supporting as much as possible the open-source philosophy.
BYE or a different forth word could turn off the interpreter (see also src/e/processor.c, do_hostif)
Running the forth interpreter with UART input/output may also be useful on hardware, and I think the same firmware should run on hardware and in e.
The "stdio" device could be selected through a GPIO pin that's read when Forth starts. This pin could can simulated in e (obviously), and hooked up to a jumper header or DIP switch on hardware. This is a simple configuration mechanism, but won't scale to many bits of configuration.
The LEDS line interferes with the UART, at least when stdout and stderr are connected to the same terminal.
No longer relevant; new computer specification is already headless (uses serial port for communication with outside world), so 'e' no longer represents a real machine.
A few ideas:
or a different forth word could turn off the interpreter (see also src/e/processor.c,do_hostif
line interferes with the UART, at least when stdout and stderr are connected to the same terminal.