I had intended the leading nybble to identify whether it was a Polaris-1, Polaris-2, etc. part. However, since I'm abandoning that naming scheme, I can free the nybble up to represent the leading digit of a full 4-digit year instead.
The remaining digits were in YYMMDDpp format (where pp was the semver concept of a patch number). The new format should read YYYYMMDDpp instead.
I had intended the leading nybble to identify whether it was a Polaris-1, Polaris-2, etc. part. However, since I'm abandoning that naming scheme, I can free the nybble up to represent the leading digit of a full 4-digit year instead.
The remaining digits were in YYMMDDpp format (where pp was the semver concept of a patch number). The new format should read YYYYMMDDpp instead.