Kethsar / ytarchive

Garbage Youtube livestream downloader
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ffmpeg cannot merge live streams correctly #172

Closed cnekmp closed 6 months ago

cnekmp commented 6 months ago

I don't know what has changed recently, but ytarchive downloads ts files incorrectly (?) so ffmpeg cannot merge them. Now I have to use Avidemux and VLC to convert files to mp4 and mp3 respectively and then merge them. Any clues what is the issue?


Content of ffmpeg.txt file:

ffmpeg -hide_banner -nostdin -loglevel fatal -stats -i '/home/farid/Downloads/stream/ЖАЖОЖА 4-Z4IwU0-BN4E.f140.ts' -i '/home/farid/Downloads/stream/ЖАЖОЖА 4-Z4IwU0-BN4E.f137.ts' -movflags faststart -c copy '/home/farid/Downloads/stream/ЖАЖОЖА 4-Z4IwU0-BN4E.mp4'

arabcoders commented 6 months ago

This is likely due to the bug in ffmpeg 6.1.0, upgrade to ffmpeg 6.1.1+ and it should be fixed, there was an issue about it in yt-dlp

cnekmp commented 6 months ago

This is likely due to the bug in ffmpeg 6.1.0, upgrade to ffmpeg 6.1.1+ and it should be fixed, there was an issue about it in yt-dlp

Upgraded to ffmpeg 6.1.1-1. It works now.

Thanks a lot. Closing this.