Kethsar / ytarchive

Garbage Youtube livestream downloader
MIT License
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Add option to login for private streams #57

Closed jvfajardz closed 2 years ago

jvfajardz commented 2 years ago

I'm not sure if its already there but it would be great if we can login if a stream is private. Of course we'll need credentials first.

Kethsar commented 2 years ago

You can use the below addon for FF or Chrome to download a cookies file for sites. While on youtube, use this to download cookies for (not, and pass that file to ytarchive using --cookies

jvfajardz commented 2 years ago

Sorry newbie here. would the final command looks like this: "Enter a youtube livestream URL: ytarchive -c cookies-youtube-com.txt"? When I opened the ytarchive.exe, the prompt is already Enter a youtube livestream URL:, so I cant follow.

Also, how to support you? I think this is a great project, I'd like to buy you a dinner. ;)

Kethsar commented 2 years ago

You have to open it via a console to use the flags. Either cmd.exe or Powershell work. It sucks having to get to the directory the exe is in but you can partially blame M$ for not having some kind of "open in cmd" in the context menu.

Alternatively, make a new file in the same directory you have ytarchive.exe called yta.bat, and put this in it: ytarchive.exe -c cookies-youtube-com.txt You should then be able to double-click that bat file. Make sure your cookies file is in the same directory as well.

Lastly I don't accept donations. Thanks for the thought, though.

brolnickij commented 2 years ago

Also, how to support you? I think this is a great project, I'd like to buy you a dinner. ;)

I support this idea!

jvfajardz commented 2 years ago

OMG it works! maybe one last question then I'll close this issue: I've downloaded ffmpeg but dont know how to install it, how can I use it?

here's the log: 2021/10/22 23:21:41 WARNING: Mismatched number of video and audio fragments. 2021/10/22 23:21:41 WARNING: The files should still be mergable but data might be missing. ffmpeg -hidebanner -nostdin -loglevel fatal -stats -i 'WS TG - OCTOBER 23-24, 2021 - D2b-FAifFtZQzco.f140.ts' -i 'WS TG - OCTOBER 23-24, 2021 - D2b-FAifFtZQzco.f136.ts' -movflags faststart -c copy 'WS TG - OCTOBER 23-24, 2021 - D2b-FAifFtZQzco.mp4' 2021/10/22 23:21:41 ERROR: ffmpeg not found. Please install ffmpeg Writing ffmpeg command to create the final file to WS _ TG - OCTOBER 23-24, 2021 - D2b-FAifFtZQzco.ffmpeg_command.txt Terminate batch job (Y/N)?

jvfajardz commented 2 years ago

Lastly I don't accept donations. Thanks for the thought, though.

Well, if that's the case, please accept my sincere THANKS instead!

jvfajardz commented 2 years ago

OMG it works! maybe one last question then I'll close this issue: I've downloaded ffmpeg but dont know how to install it, how can I use it?

here's the log: 2021/10/22 23:21:41 WARNING: Mismatched number of video and audio fragments. 2021/10/22 23:21:41 WARNING: The files should still be mergable but data might be missing. ffmpeg -hidebanner -nostdin -loglevel fatal -stats -i 'WS TG - OCTOBER 23-24, 2021 - D2b-FAifFtZQzco.f140.ts' -i 'WS TG - OCTOBER 23-24, 2021 - D2b-FAifFtZQzco.f136.ts' -movflags faststart -c copy 'WS TG - OCTOBER 23-24, 2021 - D2b-FAifFtZQzco.mp4' 2021/10/22 23:21:41 ERROR: ffmpeg not found. Please install ffmpeg Writing ffmpeg command to create the final file to WS _ TG - OCTOBER 23-24, 2021 - D2b-FAifFtZQzco.ffmpeg_command.txt Terminate batch job (Y/N)?

I have it figured out. For the benefits of other newbie, what I did is: download latest ffmpeg build and have it on the same folder. It works that way. I'm closing this issue. Thanks a lot!

Kethsar commented 2 years ago

Yup, that would be it. Sorry for the late response, I was in a meeting for wark.