KevinBockelandt / notoire

A vim plugin to take notes using the Zettelkasten method
MIT License
53 stars 6 forks source link

NotoireCreateLink idea #22

Closed justinmoon closed 4 years ago

justinmoon commented 4 years ago

Great plugin!

Currently, NotoireCreateLink requires a visual selection to work.

I suggest that if there isn't a visual selection, you could just insert the link with empty description. For example, choosing the note with ID 6 would produce this:


Stick the cursor between the square brackets to more quickly write the description.

KevinBockelandt commented 4 years ago

Hi, good idea! I created a method called :NotoireCreateEmptyLink to do that. The default mapping was updated to make it more consistent.

Tell me what you think about it :)

KevinBockelandt commented 4 years ago

I'm assuming it's OK, if you need more info please open another issue.