KevinDaSilvaS / Design-Patterns

Based on the YouTube playlist of Christopher Okhravi and in the head first book I’ve created a repository to consolidate my learning and help others to find resources
MIT License
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Service Locator Design Pattern #1

Open usamawaleed opened 2 years ago

usamawaleed commented 2 years ago

HI Christopher Okhravi,

I am going through your design pattern series multiple times, and each time I revisit I make myself very thankful to you for such great videos.

Now I want to request you if you could create a video on "service locator design pattern"

I will be once again very thankful to you

Best Regards

KevinDaSilvaS commented 2 years ago

Hey usamawaleed, It's Kevin here, thanks for your time and for the request, but this repository doesn't belong to Christopher Okhravi. I created this repo to put into practice the patterns Christopher shows on his videos to consolidate my learning. I would tag Christopher Okhravi GitHub profile here, but I think he doesn't have one :(. Sorry I was'nt able to help you with your request.