KevinKim99 / Ticket-Tech

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Connected client side data, allows for checking login and register in… #35

Closed KenichiroAnderson closed 6 months ago

KenichiroAnderson commented 6 months ago

…foi to properly send users to their account

client side validation done, more methods added to handle validation, saving user info, and showing success and redirection login. CSS styling changed so the login.html and signup.html look identical. forgot password links added. the classic "don't have an account" redirect to the register page is working, same the other way.

KevinKim99 commented 6 months ago

log in validation and sign up validation such as checking email format, password, and etc looks clear! good work

NathanIsCoding commented 6 months ago

It looks good, the comments are clear and your code is well laid out.