KevinKim99 / Ticket-Tech

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70 django trying to get django to display and read our html files #71

Closed KenichiroAnderson closed 5 months ago

KenichiroAnderson commented 5 months ago

The website should work, cssfiles are to be fixed here in a bit but this is a separate issues, if there are any pages that don't link properly please either fix them or let me know!

eremozdemir commented 5 months ago

I saw you show it to me working well good work!

KevinKim99 commented 5 months ago

looks good, no conflicts to be merged, good work!

NathanIsCoding commented 5 months ago

Thanks for getting the website to show up on django, looks good albiet a little bare-bones without the CSS, but we can get that worked out.

EricSmith10 commented 5 months ago

Looks good! no conflicts and we will sort out the CSS. Good to merge