KevinLage / Edu-Account-creator

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Message: Element <input name="_eventId_continue" type="submit" could not be scrolled into view #63

Open borfamore opened 4 years ago

borfamore commented 4 years ago

Basically happen right off the bat running it. I believe the error show last execute was line 163, the bot can't view then click the elements. I tried this bot on 2 different Machines, both the same result.

Used Stock iso Window10 VirtualBox latest version I believe Used Window Server 2016

Used python 3.8.3 Used pip install (selenium/requests/Name all the package that can't find) Used Firefox 77.0.1

Selection: Selected 2-5 accounts Selected Manual Captcha Selected Gavilan Uni/College


  1. After running it, the bot opened firefox and stayed around 10seconds
  2. Open another firefox wait 10seconds
  3. The error showed something could not be scrolled into views
  4. Repeat unlimitedly Endless Firefox open without doing anything
KevinLage commented 4 years ago

check out the ReadMe. I dont maintain the project anymore! Im planning to release a version WITHOUT selenium and requests only soon, so it will get way faster!

camlogical commented 4 years ago

check out the ReadMe. I dont maintain the project anymore! Im planning to release a version WITHOUT selenium and requests only soon, so it will get way faster!

Great to hear that. Thank you sir.

domenicw1 commented 4 years ago

It looks like Pixelcookie11's fork fixes this issue

Re4zn commented 4 years ago

It looks like Pixelcookie11's fork fixes this issue

still not working

Re4zn commented 4 years ago

check out the ReadMe. I dont maintain the project anymore! Im planning to release a version WITHOUT selenium and requests only soon, so it will get way faster!

when exactly is it coming out? I dont wanna wait anymore, because for me it is the same

MetalDevOps commented 4 years ago

It looks like Pixelcookie11's fork fixes this issue

pixelcookie11 fork works for me, thanks

SerMax20 commented 4 years ago

its working...but auto bypass capture ...again statin mail page

SerMax20 commented 4 years ago

[*] Page 1/3 Done!

[*] Page 2/3 Done!

[*] Bypassing the Captcha!

not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 1)

[*] Page 1/3 Done!

[*] Page 2/3 Done!

[*] Bypassing the Captcha!

0m3rta13 commented 4 years ago

So did anyone managed to get this working? I assume this must be something with Selenium can't find the DOM that exists?

Read the first reply and the readme.

The project is no longer maintained.

Any issues aren't going to be fixed. You best hope is to fork it yourself or look or other forks