KevinOConnor / can2040

Software CAN bus implementation for rp2040 micro-controllers
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Multi canbus on RP2040 (Skr Pico) with usb to bridge mode (Feature Req?) #34

Closed BTopbas closed 1 year ago

BTopbas commented 1 year ago

*The implementation uses one of the two rp2040 PIO hardware blocks. It is possible for a single rp2040 chip to have two separate CAN bus interfaces by using both PIO blocks.

Example: i have 2 canbus toolheads. I run skr pico with usb connected raspi. I know i can connect 1 toolhead with usb to canbus bridge mode. But i want to connect 2 canbus toolheads to skr pico. Is this possible?