ELECTRICITY: An Efficient Multi-camera Vehicle Tracking System for Intelligent City(CVPR 2020 AI City Challenge Track 3)
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DataLoader worker exited unexpectedly #4

Closed HanwenCao closed 4 years ago

HanwenCao commented 4 years ago

Hi! When running ./identifier/, I got an error said RuntimeError: DataLoader worker (pid(s) 2685) exited unexpectedly. The error happens at for batch_idx, (imgs, pids, camids, _) in enumerate(galleryloader):, and everything is fine for queryloader. I tried to make numworkers=4 smaller, like numworkers=2, but still got the error. Then I set it to 0. But it made the loader extremely slow so that no one knows if it can work or not.

Would you have any suggestions? Thank you!

quanghuy0497 commented 3 years ago

Hi, how did you resolve that problem?