ELECTRICITY: An Efficient Multi-camera Vehicle Tracking System for Intelligent City(CVPR 2020 AI City Challenge Track 3)
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remove negatvie predctions #6

Closed HanwenCao closed 4 years ago

HanwenCao commented 4 years ago

In writing tracking outputs to tracklets.txt What kind of predctions would be removed by these lines? if len(tracks)<args.min_track_length: if int(track[1])<=0 or int(track[2])<=0 or int(track[3]-track[1])<=1 or int(track[4]-track[2])<=1:

Since there is no comment in the code, the meanings of track[0],track[1],track[2],track[3], etc are not obvious. Would you mind providing some info? Thank you so much!!