KevinSee / PITcleanr

Compress PIT tag capture histories for use in various analyses
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_DABOM_prep.Rmd re-build error #26

Closed mackerman44 closed 1 year ago

mackerman44 commented 1 year ago

Attempted to install PITcleanr using remotes::install_github() and build_vignettes = T, but there appears to be an error building the "_DABOM_prep.Rmd" doc, resulting in a failure to install PITcleanr. Error pasted below. It appears to be associated with not being able to find the "_compress-data.Rmd" which has maybe been renamed to "compress_data.Rmd"? It seems all other vignettes are re-building just fine.

--- re-building '_DABOM_prep.Rmd' using rmarkdown Warning in file(con, "r") : cannot open file './child_docs/_compress-data.Rmd': No such file or directory

Quitting from lines 73-73 [unnamed-chunk-4] (./child_docs/_compress-data.Rmd) Error: processing vignette '_DABOM_prep.Rmd' failed with diagnostics: cannot open the connection --- failed re-building '_DABOM_prep.Rmd'

mackerman44 commented 1 year ago

verified that remotes::install_github("mackerman44/PITcleanr@main", build_vignettes = F, force = T) works just fine when not building vignettes.

KevinSee commented 1 year ago

Completed a temporary fix by adding _DABOM_prep.Rmd to the .Rbuildignore file. Now PITcleanr will install while we continue to revised _DABOM_prep.Rmd.

KevinSee commented 1 year ago

_DABOM_prep.Rmd has been replaced by quick_prep.Rmd in the vignettes. Before deleting _DABOM_prep, I'd like to double-check it's no longer needed, or that any information in it is explained in other vignettes like quick_prep.

KevinSee commented 1 year ago

I went through _DABOM_prep, and determined that all the information contained there is in another vignette. Either the quick_prep vignette, or more details in the Prep_PIT_data vignette.

Based on that, I deleted the _DABOM_prep vignette, and dropped it from the .Rbuildignore file.