KevinSee / PITcleanr

Compress PIT tag capture histories for use in various analyses
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`buildConfig()` arguments #31

Open mackerman44 opened 11 months ago

mackerman44 commented 11 months ago

In the commit b5dbe8d, I changed the default for the array_suffix = argument to "UD", but left "A0B0" as an option. Once we get this branch to operate using "UD" as the default, consider removing "A0B0" as an option.

Related, the array_suffix = argument could eventually be changed to something like max_arrays = or ??? where max_arrays = 2 would assign suffixes of _U and _D and max_arrays = 3 would assign suffixes of _U, _M, and _D.

In the case that e.g., max_arrays = 2 it would be nice to have the option to assign middle arrays to either _U or _D, perhaps depending on another argument. Something to consider.

KevinSee commented 10 months ago

I agree, once "UD" is up and running and confirmed to work, let's delete the "A0B0" option.

The _U, _M, _D, (or more, if max_arrays = 4) option is great, and I believe that should work with most functions in PITcleanr. Might need some additional work or checking with the addDirection() and filterDetections() functions, to see how a middle array (or multiple middle arrays) might impact those.

KevinSee commented 10 months ago

I'm going to mark this issue as an enhancement, instead of to-do, because the rest of the package currently works with the UD option.