KevinVan720 / animated_box_decoration

MIT License
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Build failure with Dart 3 and Flutter 3.10 #3

Open montyr75 opened 1 year ago

montyr75 commented 1 year ago

I have a project that uses the morphable_shape package, which depends on animated_box_decoration. Trying to build with this included flags a problem with null safety in animated_box_decoration.

jakusb commented 1 year ago

@KevinVan720 : I get this error (bit more detailed information):

/Users/local/.pub-cache/hosted/ Error: The return type of the method 'BoxDecorationMix.padding' is 'EdgeInsetsGeometry?', which does not match the return type, 'EdgeInsetsGeometry', of the overridden method, 'Decoration.padding'.

jakusb commented 1 year ago

@KevinVan720 : I added a pull request that fixes the issue, please merge to new version

KevinVan720 commented 1 year ago

Hi @jakusb. Thanks for the PR! I'll update the packages soon.

jakusb commented 1 year ago

I can confirm this issue is now resolved with this fix. 💪🏻@montyr75 Thanks for the rapid response and resolve! @wenkaifan0720 , @KevinVan720