KevinWorkman / StaticVoidGames
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Link Error on homepage re: IRC #12

Closed iandioch closed 9 years ago

iandioch commented 9 years ago

The link on the homepage report "Kevin's latest blog: IRC Client" goes to dud URL http://staticvoidgames.%3Chr/%3E%3Cp%3ERead%20more%20%3Ca%20href=

The text is "Thanks to [here].", where [here] is the link.

Don't know if it's just a missing quote or something, or if the website has been compromised by a team of sophisticated monkeys on internet-connected typewriters.

My money's on the latter.

KevinWorkman commented 9 years ago

Haha! This is a result of my admittedly stupid logic for the frontpage: it's supposed to take the first sentence of the blog entry and then put a "read more here" link afterwards. But since the first sentence of that blog entry ends in a link, that screws that up.

The offending code is on line 86 of the index page's JSP, if anybody wants to improve my logic!

iandioch commented 9 years ago

I would, but I have 4 hours of homework to fit into 2 hours. I'll attempt it this weekend if nobody else gets there first.

bigbass1997 commented 9 years ago

I would try and just mess around with it until I fix it but there is no way for me to know if my changes fixed it or not. The DerbyDB download isn't updated to contain that blog post. (I am assuming the blog posts are contained in the DB)

KevinWorkman commented 9 years ago

I could create a new Derby DB, or you could log in as me in your local version (in the local version, everybody's password is "password" without the quotes) and create a blog that started with a sentence that ended in a link, which should repeat the behavior.

I don't mind creating the Derby DB, it'll just take longer than the above. Let me know if you'd rather me create the Derby DB and I can have that done in the next hour or so.

bigbass1997 commented 9 years ago

I just made the post myself. Until now, I didn't know that everyone's passwords was that. Would be nice if the database could somehow be more automatic like creating an updated DB every 24 hours or so.

KevinWorkman commented 9 years ago

Agreed. Haha maybe that should be another issue...

Let me know if that works and repeats the bug.

Oh and you have complete control over the Derby DB, so you could make the passwords anything you wanted. I figured this was easier for testing though.

KevinWorkman commented 9 years ago

The current frontpage just shows the entire text of the blog, so I'm going to close this issue.