KevinnZou / compose-swipebox-multiplatform

Swipeable list item with directional swipe actions for JetBrains Compose Multiplatform. Support Android, iOS, and Desktop platforms.
Apache License 2.0
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Material 3 support #2

Open mainrs opened 2 months ago

mainrs commented 2 months ago


Having this library rely on material3 instead of material would allow for proper theming functionality (like dynamic themes) to work properly!

Thank you for the great library!

KevinnZou commented 2 months ago

@mainrs Thanks for your suggestion! I will upgrade it to Material3 when I am back from vacation.

mainrs commented 2 months ago

Thank you!

KevinnZou commented 2 months ago

@mainrs After researching, I discovered that the Modifier.swipeable we are using in this library is from Material2 and is not available in Material3. Therefore, unfortunately, we may not be able to upgrade to it currently.

mainrs commented 2 months ago

The API has actually been renamed and moved into foundation:

KevinnZou commented 2 months ago

Yes, we also noticed that and have just migrated to anchoredDraggable for the Android version of this library. We will also do it for the multiplatform version once Compose 1.6.0 is stable.