Keydonix / liquid-long

The Unlicense
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Provides transaction with gas limit of our choosing. #75

Closed MicahZoltu closed 5 years ago

MicahZoltu commented 5 years ago

Note that we'll follow this set of rules for all gas estimations, which means everything on-chain costs between 250k and 5M and is 1.3x the node's estimated price. In production, I believe the only transactions that happen on chain are openCdp tranasctions, so this is fine for now, but we may want to revisit this in the future if we start doing more on-chain stuff.

Fixes #71

epheph commented 5 years ago

Right, in the future, this will include the "give()" mechanism (which won't take anywhere near 250k), but until then, this seems sufficient. Perhaps we could check for gasLimit already present and not override in that case? Not necessary now, just future design.