Keyitdev / dotfiles

My personal build of dotfiles using i3.
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Feh is not setting the wallpapers automatically #3

Closed tejas-luthra closed 2 years ago

tejas-luthra commented 2 years ago

I am using Arch and I used the install script to get this up and running. I am only having one issue, feh is not setting up the wallpaper in both the lock screen and the home screen. When I am at the lockscreen, I see a black screen and when I am at the home screen, It is a grey screen. What should I do? I have reinstalled feh but it still doesn't work. Thanks,

Keyitdev commented 2 years ago

I am not 100% sure but I think it's a problem with path where the wallpapers are placed. Try setting the wallpaper manually feh --bg-scale $HOME/Pictures/wallpapers/current_blue.png (make sure this path exists) or any other path feh --bg-scale ~/test.png. If wallpaper sets up correctly, it's problem with path, if not, then we have to keep looking.

Keyitdev commented 2 years ago

Oh, now I see. I looked at the install script and it never copies the wallpapers to $HOME/Pictures/wallpapers it only creates that directory, my bad. Thanks for pointing that out. I will fix install script later. Run this to repair:

  1. mkdir -p $HOME/Pictures/wallpapers
  2. Go to localization where you cloned this repo.
  3. cp ./wallpapers/* $HOME/Pictures/wallpapers/
tejas-luthra commented 2 years ago

That works. Thanks. Also what files should I edit for config? ~/home/user/dotfiles/config or ~/home/user/dotfiles/config/dotfiles if it is none of these then what file do I edit to change the config? I know this might be an obvious question but I am new to this.

Keyitdev commented 2 years ago

Firstly, I don't know where exactly you cloned this repository. But it doesn't matter I will explain it anyways. Let's say you cloned this repository in your home path (~/dotfiles). If you edit ~/dotfiles/config you only change your local version of my repository. If you want to edit configs that your system uses, you need to edit ~/.config/. In this directory you will find the configs that are used by installed applications. In summary, if you want to edit something that will affect your system, you need to edit ~/.config/ for configs, /usr/local/bin for scripts, /usr/share/fonts/ for fonts, ~/Pictures/wallpapers for wallpapers. And by the way, ~, /home/user and $HOME are the same paths (unless you change it but that's for more advanced users). I hope I helped.

tejas-luthra commented 2 years ago

Thanks for helping out. I love this rice.