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Website generator #35

Open s1037989 opened 8 years ago

s1037989 commented 8 years ago



Super small businesses need a website, but even the stupid simple web services for creating a web presence are too difficult to bother with / manage / figure out. Creating a design of any kind is hard!


Put your business card online as a billboard-style website and make it clickable to open up a contact form. Hey, it's better than nothing...! Sample

Create a web service to accept an image, place an image map for clickable area and link to a contact form (see #34). Ideally integrate the image map feature into this service. Upload the image and apply the map area, link to a contact form (external URL or DOM modal).

Such a simple idea, great way to get started on web programming / design. Create a niche business for those dozens of remaining people / businesses without web presence.

No one will pay for this. No idea how to advertise on it. No idea how to earn any revenue. Why do it? To learn. To attract users. To provide value to someone. To offer an open source project... To earn R&D tax credits! LOL.