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Keystone Library #8

Open s1037989 opened 8 years ago

s1037989 commented 8 years ago


Everyone has some books lying around that others might like to read; and, of course, Keystone has books that they'd like to buy and make available to its staff. How can we collect these books and make them available to everyone's benefit?


Let's build a physical library (I'm picturing just a little nook of a room like you might find in a pre-school classroom) and a book tracking system so that everyone can feel comfortable making their books available to that they will always know who has their books. Additional interesting tidbits are to find out which books are most popular (checked out the most), who checks out the most, how long are books checked out for, etc...

s1037989 commented 8 years ago

I see two different issues going on here.

  1. Create the physical library space. Dedicate some space of the office to this library and furnish it. Supply bookshelves and reading chairs. Collect books and catalog them just like any library.
  2. Have book-tracking software that can most importantly keep track of who has which books in their possession in case the owner of the book ever wants / needs to get it back, but additionally provide some additional cool reports. It could be as little or as much as we can imagine. A lot of it would just be mostly fun / interesting.
s1037989 commented 8 years ago
  1. Let's continue discussion for building out the physical library here, at least for now. We could create a github project for this to exchange ideas and what not, but, actually, we should probably move this discussion to Slack because this line item is specifically discussion, and Slack works wonders at keeping discussions efficient. It's all about dialog, you can also attach files, etc. For this discussion, what else is there, really? BTW, this is a great example of why Slack is preferred over email. We can't pollute the kil@ email list with discussions of all KIL ideas. With Slack, we can have a separate channel, specifically for this, and people can jump in to the discussion and turn on notifications, and Slack can keep all attached files available for all newcomers to get at any time.
  2. I have started a project for this. There's actually two, currently. One is for the tracking software, it's called App::Pot (Person and Object Tracker) and the other is for a hardware device for scanning RFID tags, it's called Potuino (a common name convention for Arduino-based applications). App::Pot hasn't been uploaded yet (it has been started), and it's predecessor is available from an old St. Francis Borgia project for tracking laptops for students.

EDIT: It looks like it was intended to include the App::Pot code in the Potuino repo. I think I'd advise against that.

bennolen commented 8 years ago

Web interface to show the status of the book - who has it, when it was checked out, etc Maybe email notifications when the book was checked out, when it's due back, etc.