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Web Monitoring #9

Open s1037989 opened 8 years ago

s1037989 commented 8 years ago


Similar to Domain Check (#7), but instead of monitoring for just domain and ssl registrations, we need to monitor for web site statuses. Can you reach the main page? Error codes? Content as expected? What about walking the site, have any pages broken?


Install and manage MoSShE. Configure it to work with all of our clients' websites. Fork and enhance it in many ways. Identify software that can address the issues stated in the problem, and ideally focus on existing software in our collection to help limit the total number of software packages that we need to be collectively supporting.

s1037989 commented 8 years ago

I see two issues here.

  1. Install, configure, and manage the software.
  2. Fork the software and make enhancements to suit our needs.
s1037989 commented 8 years ago
  1. This is really ready to go. Need to convince the operations team of this software's value and help them to get it installed and configured. Management is operation's responsibility. Demo
s1037989 commented 8 years ago
  1. Real world value of MoSShE was posted to the kil@ mailing list.
s1037989 commented 8 years ago

2) FWIW, I had created a brand new version of MoSShE called CeMoSShE. It needs to get migrated to KeystoneIT and seriously checked over. It's biggest problem was that it was CGI and not scalable. After about 100 servers that it monitors it's doing too much parallel processing and the whole system just crashes. Need to completely reorganize. I recommend Mojolicious and Minion.

ehumes commented 8 years ago

Related to your email from a few minutes ago... I'm in agreement with Caleb on his point about making sure that MoSShE's capabilities don't overlap those of our current tools (Continuum, Solarwinds, etc). Caleb mentioned that he was going to discuss MoSShE with the nice folks from Continuum to see if they have plans to extend their features any time soon if they cannot currently do what MoSShE does. (I think that pretty much covers it). Discuss as necessary...

s1037989 commented 8 years ago

Awesome! I updated the initial Proposal to reflect this focus, of looking to identify a software solution that would ideally be in our existing tool set.

bennolen commented 8 years ago

We checked with Continuum and they confirmed that they do not monitor websites and it's not on their roadmap.

bennolen commented 8 years ago

LogicMonitor, which we are looking at for SNMP and Netflow monitoring, claims (to some degree) that they monitor websites. That would be one tool that does more than one thing.

s1037989 commented 8 years ago

If no internal tools handle it and you need to get a new one, I'd suggest keeping MoSShE on your list to look at. Infinitely extensible. However, I certainly understand that LogicMonitor may already have most things built out and therefore save a lot of time. MoSShE, I imagine, you'd have more control over. It would also serve as a great guide (being so simple in design) if an in-house solution were preferred. As with anything open / closed source, think of it like Windows / Linux. Windows is easier / Linux is more free, for an all-encompassing word, free as in speech, not as in beer.