Keytoyze / Mug-Diffusion

High-quality and controllable charting AI for rhythm games, modifed from stable diffusion
MIT License
186 stars 14 forks source link

Error while generating #11

Closed PYUDNG closed 1 year ago

PYUDNG commented 1 year ago

Platform MacOS Big Sur 11.7.6 running from source requirements installed, except 截屏2023-05-17 下午1 36 49

After clicked "Start Generation" in webui for a while, I got this: 截屏2023-05-17 上午9 57 31

Following the instructions "use via API" in webui footer, I made a little python script but also got the same error while generating:

截屏2023-05-17 下午1 36 17

It seems like an webui error. Is there configuration mistake or something else?

Keytoyze commented 1 year ago

Do you use VPN? As reported by others this issue may result from VPN's proxy problem.

PYUDNG commented 1 year ago

That's the problem. After I closed my proxy and unset proxy in bash (using unset http_proxy and unset https_proxy), Mug Diffusion works well! I hope my experience helps for others with the same problem. Thank you!