Kezzy1996 / multivm

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Installation Steps #1

Open Kezzy1996 opened 1 month ago

Kezzy1996 commented 1 month ago

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install bison wget openssl libssl-dev libasound2-dev libc6-dev libxml2-dev libsqlite3-dev libnewt-dev libncurses5-dev zlib1g-dev gcc g++ make perl uuid-dev git subversion unixodbc-dev unixodbc-bin unixodbc autoconf libedit-dev

 cd /usr/src


tar -xzvf asterisk-16.30.0.tar.gz

cd asterisk 16.30.0 /.configure make && make install && make config && make samples to start the asterisk= asterisk -vvvvvvvgc/service asterisk start to connect remotely- asterisk -r to verify= ps ef | grep asterisk to stop- core stop now

Kezzy1996 commented 3 weeks ago

Other useful commands cd 32 cd /etc/ 33 ls 34 cd asterisk/ 35 ls 36 vi modules.conf 37 mv sip.conf sip.conf.default 38 ls 39 mv extensions.conf sip.conf 40 ls 41 vi sip.conf 42 ls 43 vi extensions.conf 44 asterisk -r 45 service asterisk start 46 asterisk -r 47 mv sip.conf sip.conf.default 48 mv extensions.conf sip.conf 49 vi sip.conf 50 asterisk -r 51 /etc/init.d/asterisk restart 52 asterisk -r

Kezzy1996 commented 3 weeks ago

Done with installations steps