KhMustafa / Risk-aware-contingency-planning-with-multi-modal-predictions

This repository includes the source code associated with the paper "RACP: Risk-Aware Contingency Planning with Multi-Modal Predictions", accepted for publication at IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles.
MIT License
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Loding config Error with lanenet #2

Open piqiuni opened 5 months ago

piqiuni commented 5 months ago

Running python planner/Frenet/ with Error:

Loaded settings from /home/rancho/2-ldl/othors/beliefplanning/planner/Frenet/configs/risk.json Loaded weights from /home/rancho/2-ldl/othors/beliefplanning/planner/Frenet/configs/weights.json recorded/hand-crafted/DEU_Muc-4_2_T-1.xml >>> <LaneletNetwork/find_lanelet_by_id>: provided id is not valid! id = None

please help to figure it out, thanks!

15910693796 commented 5 months ago

Similar error:

(myenv) $ python planner/Frenet/ Loaded settings from /home/plusai/cp/beliefplanning/planner/Frenet/configs/risk.json recorded/hand-crafted/DEU_Muc-4_2_T-1.xml >>> state_list[0].time_step=0 != self.initial_time_step=1

ElenHuo commented 5 months ago

similiar error : recorded/hand-crafted/DEU_Muc-4_2_T-1.xml >>> <LaneletNetwork/find_lanelet_by_id>: provided id is not valid! id = None

piqiuni commented 3 months ago

@KhMustafa can you help to solve this?

KhMustafa commented 3 months ago

The problem may be related to the versions of the commonroad packages. Are you using the same versions as the ones specified in the requirements.txt file?

piqiuni commented 3 months ago

@KhMustafa Thanks for the reply! Yes, we are using a new conda env with Python 3.8, and the packages are installed with requirement.txt

cmlaughing commented 2 months ago

@KhMustafa same problem with @piqiuni ! I try several versions of commonroad packages, but can't be compatible, so probably the provided requirement.txt is wrong. can you help me check the versions of packages, and upload a updated requirement.txt with corrent version.

ZhaiMen-Hub commented 2 months ago

Similiar error.

It should be noticed that the DEU_Muc-4_2_T-1.xml file obtained by git clone in project is different to the one in this project. With the same conda environment, I can run EthicalTrajectoryPlanning perfectly but fail to run this project, which seems weird.

ZhaiMen-Hub commented 2 months ago

Replace the file DEU_Muc-4_2_T-1.xml in this project with the one obtained from git clone can avoid this error. However, it still fails to yield normal results.

cmlaughing commented 2 months ago

Replace the file DEU_Muc-4_2_T-1.xml in this project with the one obtained from git clone can avoid this error. However, it still fails to yield normal results.

yeah,I also notice that this file is not consistent with source file in It should also be noticed that this repo has lots of hard code, most of which are related to the initial pos and obstacle pos differenct to the DEU_Muc-4_2_T-1.xml. so the hard code must be adjust to the same with scenario file.