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Displaying Rich Text from Contentful in Gatsby #4

Closed mimbimbo closed 4 years ago

mimbimbo commented 4 years ago

Hi there - Here's my question: How do I properly display Rich Text in Gatsby? I'm able to pull the Rich Text from Contentful with my specific query (for example: allContentfulBlogPost { edges { node { childContentfulBlogPostBodyRichTextNode { json } } } }

However, when I try to display this in my Gatsby page, none of the formatting is there. I was using this to grab the content import { documentToReactComponents } from "@contentful/rich-text-react-renderer" and then:


Khaledgarbaya commented 4 years ago

Hi @mimbimbo, Here your video answer Here is the repo with all the code

Cheers, Khaled

muhzulzidan commented 3 years ago

right now it is not JSON, but it uses raw, I am having problems with references... can you look at It ?