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Web User Enhancements #373

Closed ManjotS closed 6 years ago

ManjotS commented 6 years ago

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What went wrong? English translation could be improved. Gurbani is universal truth. The way the English translation appears, in some places, words such as Guru are used in the English translation. It's better to say Enlightened Master. It's clearer that way and anyone, be it Sikh or non-Sikh can understand it. Eg

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How can the issue be recreated by our team? Example Page 46: Bhoolay maragh jinhay betaaya, It should read He WHO places the one who is strays, back on... Aisaa gur vadbhagi payiah: such a guru is found by great good fortune. Instead of Guru, it would be better to say Such an Enlightened Master is found... Another line in this shabad: bas rahay hirday, guru charan piaray: the English is literal translation, so most older Sikhs will understand this phrase, but the translation should have a universal appeal so anyone sikh non-sikh can understand. In this line: it doesn't make sense to say may the Beloved feet abide in my heart,etc...I think here it probably means May i take refuge in the Enlightened Master (Guru), remember Him in my mind/heart...something to that effect. or Guru's Feet, gur kay charan, needs to be translated in such a way that the message is put forth, not provide a literal translation. I think the English translation is pretty good overall, but such things need to be looked at....the audience/viewers/seekers are not only Sikhs, but non-Sikhs as well. so need to cater for all. thanks. oh another line: charan kamal gur ashram diya: i would say it thus: Taking refuge in the Enlightened Being (guru) brings peace and protection or something along theselines. the phrase Charan kamal is beautiful but it needs to be translated into English not in a literal way: maybe: Taking refuge in the Enlightened Being, at His Lotus Feet. Another things is we're using male to describe the Guru. The Guru, an enlightened being can be female or male, need to look at that too. The masses do not realize that Gurbani mentions Guru as the Transcendant Lord Himself. Guru Nanak was an enlightened Master sanctioned by the Lord Almighty. There have been many enlightened Gurus who have come to our earth, throughout the ages, every age there will be ONE. but if it's in one's destiny, one will meet such a Being. This is mentioned again and again in Gurbani. Gur poora milaway mera pritam, hao vaar vaar apnay guru ko jaasa. May Beloved Lord help me to meet a fully enlightened master (a satguru), i'll be a sacrifice unto Him, My Guru. The Guru that i meet, . Apnay Guru ko jaasa. My Guru, the Enlightened Master that I meet in my Lifetime. But this is sadly not understood, and the late Prof Sahib Singh's teeka is by far the best i've read so far. God Bless him heaps. Sadhu Dhoor milay nistarieh, Only when one actually meets a saint-guru, sadhu, dust of the feet of guru, means meeting such a rare being, then one is liberated as only they hold the key...Jis ka graeh tin diya tala, kunji gur sioh payi, The Lord has locked it up, the key is given to the Enlightened Being, no matter what anyone does, without the Guru, enlightened being (who comes physically into this world, like Guru Nanak did, jesus Christ, prophet muhamaad did) the lock cannot be opened and one's life is lost in vain. The shabad, naam (name of the Lord) can only be obtained from an Enlightened Guru (a poora guru) - search for poora guru, and there are many Gurbani lines that say this very clearly...anyhow i have got distracted...thanks and hopefully we'll see more, and more improvements to the English, as these days, even the younger (sikhs) only read the English version, so it really needs to be combed thru word for word. thanks so much God bless.

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Name sharan kaur

bogas04 commented 6 years ago

BaniDB issue.