As a user, I want to be able to submit feedback on the AI's explanation and suggest improvements so that the accuracy and quality of explanations can be enhanced over time.
Acceptance Criteria
[ ] Users can rate the accuracy of the AI explanation from 1 to 5 stars.
[ ] Users can submit written feedback on the AI's explanation.
[ ] Users can upload a corrected or supplementary image or audio if the AI's explanation was insufficient or incorrect.
[ ] Users receive a thank you message after submitting feedback.
[ ] Submissions are timestamped and contain user identifier information.
[ ] Feedback is stored securely and is accessible by the system administrators for review.
[ ] Users can suggest specific improvements or corrections to the AI model.
participant U as User
participant AI as AI System
participant F as Feedback System
U->>AI: Request explanation
AI->>U: Provide explanation
U->>F: Submit rating and feedback
F->>U: Acknowledge receipt
User Feedback & Improvement
As a user, I want to be able to submit feedback on the AI's explanation and suggest improvements so that the accuracy and quality of explanations can be enhanced over time.
Acceptance Criteria