As a restaurant manager, I want an app that can scan the plates as they return from guests to gauge which dishes are popular and how much is being eaten.
Acceptance Criteria
[ ] The app identifies and records the dish based on visual characteristics.
[ ] The app estimates the quantity of food left on the plate.
[ ] The app can distinguish between different types of dishes automatically.
[ ] The app stores the scanned data with a timestamp for later analysis.
[ ] The app provides daily and weekly reports on dish popularity.
[ ] The app supports manual entry in case of a discrepancy or failure to recognize.
[ ] The app maintains a high accuracy rate (>90%) in recognizing dishes and quantity left.
participant Waitstaff as Waitstaff
participant App as PlateScanner App
participant AnalysisModule as Analysis Module
Waitstaff->>App: Scan returned plate
App->>AnalysisModule: Process image data
AnalysisModule->>App: Record dish and leftover quantity
App->>Waitstaff: Confirm submission
Plate Scanning for Popularity Metrics
As a restaurant manager, I want an app that can scan the plates as they return from guests to gauge which dishes are popular and how much is being eaten.
Acceptance Criteria