Khalon-Bridge / GitUnion-Community-Projects-specs

This is the spec repo for GitUnion-Community-Projects created by gitUnion
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User Preferences Settings #229

Open git-union[bot] opened 1 month ago

git-union[bot] commented 1 month ago

User Preferences Settings

As a user, I want to be able to configure my preferences for the AI tool that manages my tasks in Notion so that it can prioritize my tasks according to my individual needs and workflow.

Acceptance Criteria

graph TD;
  A[User Preferences UI] -->|Set Working Hours| B(Set working hours);
  A -->|Define Priority Levels| C(Define priority levels);
  A -->|Toggle Notifications| D(Toggle notifications);
  A -->|Select Frequency| E(Select frequency);
  A -->|Set Languages| F(Set preferred languages);
  A -->|Integrate Workspaces| G(Integrate multiple Notion workspaces);
  A -->|Reset Preferences| H(Reset preferences to defaults);