As an interviewee, I want to receive insightful feedback from the AI Interview Coach based on sentiment analysis, so that I can become better at answering behavioral interview questions and portray myself in the best manner.
Acceptance Criteria
[ ] The system must perform sentiment analysis on the interviewee's spoken words during a mock interview.
[ ] The system should provide feedback on the positivity, neutrality, or negativity of the interviewee's responses.
[ ] The system should highlight words that trigger strong emotional responses and suggest alternatives if necessary.
[ ] The system must analyze the interviewee's resume and job description to provide context-aware suggestions.
[ ] Sentiment analysis feedback must be provided in real-time during practice interviews.
[ ] The system should store the sentiment analysis results for review after the interview simulation has ended.
[ ] The system must ensure privacy and confidentiality of the interviewee's responses and analytical results.
[ ] Feedback should be presented in an easily understandable format (visual cues, charts, etc.).
participant Interviewee
participant AI_Coach
Interviewee->>AI_Coach: Speak response to interview question
AI_Coach->>AI_Coach: Perform sentiment analysis
AI_Coach->>Interviewee: Provide sentiment feedback
AI_Coach-)Interviewee: Highlight words and provide suggestions
AI_Coach->>AI_Coach: Analyze resume & job description
AI_Coach->>Interviewee: Offer context-aware feedback
Sentiment Analysis Feedback Specifications
As an interviewee, I want to receive insightful feedback from the AI Interview Coach based on sentiment analysis, so that I can become better at answering behavioral interview questions and portray myself in the best manner.
Acceptance Criteria